What is your shipping time?
We process orders within 1-3 business days. Shipping times typically range from 10-20 business days, depending on your location and the product ordered. Please note that due to the nature of our fulfilment centers, products may arrive in separate packages even when ordered together.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we offer worldwide shipping to most countries! However, shipping times and availability may vary based on your location.
Will I receive a tracking number?
Absolutely! Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this to track your package and stay updated on its delivery status. When orders are shipped separately, you will receive tracking number for each of the shipped package in the order that they are shipped.
Why are my items arriving in separate packages?
We work with multiple suppliers and manufacturers to provide the best products at the best price. Because of this, items from different suppliers may be shipped separately, meaning you could receive multiple packages at different times.
What is your return policy?
We offer a 30-day return policy for eligible items. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact our customer support team within 30 days of receiving your product, and we will guide you through the return process. Please note that all returns will receive either replacement product or store credit.
How do I cancel or change my order?
If you need to make changes or cancel your order, please contact us within 24 hours of placing it. After this time, the order may already be processed or shipped, and changes may not be possible. Always provide your order number when you contact us so that we can be able to identify your order.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) and PayPal. All payments are securely processed to ensure your information is protected.
Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?
We can modify your shipping address within 24 hours of placing the order. Please contact us immediately if you need to update your address. Once the order is processed, we can no longer make changes. Always provide your order number when you contact us so that we can be able to identify your order.
What if my package is lost or damaged?
If your package is lost or arrives damaged, please contact us with your order number and details. We will work with the shipping provider to resolve the issue and, if necessary, provide a replacement or store credit. Always provide your order number when you contact us so that we can be able to identify your order.
How can I contact customer support?
The best way to reach our customer support team is via email at Support@FlexBargain.com or through our contact page. We are here to assist you with any inquiries or issues regarding your order, and we aim to respond within 24 hours.